Late summer practice #1

With the conclusion of our Summer 2017 Tri swim training, we will be posting some practices for our swimmers to follow in order to continue their improvements leading up to their September/October races. Here is a practice focusing on pace work…..if you do not know what your mile/red pace is, this is the anaerobic threshold zone, which can approximately be calculated as 85% of your maximum heartrate ….enjoy!

WU-100/200/300 Fr on rest :30/:20/-

16×25 Fr on :30 or rest :15 alt build/uptempo by 25

{3×150 Fr on rest :20 as mile/red pace, easy, mile/red  pace
{4×75 Fr on :15 rest at mile/red pace -1
{rest :30 between rounds

Rest 1:00

{3×100 Fr on rest :20 as mile/red pace, easy, mile/red  pace
{4×50 Fr on rest :15 holding mile/red pace -1

Total: 3000 + WD