Practice 5/30/18…alternating long/short with some drills

WU-400 Fr negative split
6×50 drill/swim by 25 on rest :20

2×200 Fr negative split on rest :30
12×25 Fr easy/medium/fast/drill by 25 on rest :15

**For the negative splits, only speed up the second half of each swim slightly. You should not be tired by the end of each negative split swim**

Primary (2 rounds)
200 Fr on rest :15 (strong kick the last 50)
50 Fr drill on rest :30
50 Fr FAST on rest :20->be sure to get your time
4×50 Fr descend 1-4 on rest :20->descend to the time you went for the 50 Fr above

Rest 1:00 between rounds

2400 + WD