Tri Swim Practice 10/17-Let’s pull

Happy 10/17! Today’s primary set is going to revolve around some Freestyle pulling and a lot of speed variant swimming….

WU-300 Fr

8×25 Fr on rest :20 alt 25 drill/25 Fr
50 Fr EZ

6×25 Fr on rest :20 alt 25 kick/25 Fr
50 Fr EZ

4×25 Fr descend 1-4
50 Fr EZ

Primary (2 rounds)
150 Fr pull on rest :30, descend by 50
100 Fr pull on rest :20, negative split
50 Fr pull FAST

Rest 1:00

200 Fr as 25 drill/75 swim on rest :20-long and controlled
100 Fr FAST on rest :30
75 Fr build by 25 on rest :20
3×25 EZ on rest :15

2400 + WD