Tri Swim Practice 9/12

Today’s tri swim practice includes alternating intensity levels while focusing on developing some “easy” speed in the primary set!

WU-200 Fr/200 Pull

2 rounds:

{6×25 alternate kick/drill by 25 on rest :20
{3×50 Fr on rest :20-build each 50 to finish with a strong kick


Primary (2 rounds)

300 Fr as 100 EZ (warmup pace)/100 uptempo/100 EZ on rest :30
**Focus on changing speed that middle 100, and controlling your breathing the final 100
3×50 Fr descend 1-3 on rest :20
4×25 AFAP (as fast as possible) on rest :10 (try and hold the same pace for all 4)
50 Fr pull on rest :30

2200 + WD