Triathlon Swim Practice 3/12

Just because we have a formal practice cancellation, does not mean we cannot train. Here is a practice for anyone interested/was planning on training today. As with most of our posted practices, everything will be listed as rest intervals (rest :20) instead of time intervals in order to make the sets most applicable to anyone following along. That being said, if you frequently train with Excel and have a good handle on your lane’s intervals, by all means take a shot and adjust the below practice accordingly.

WU: 200 Fr as 100 swim/100 pull

4x {2×25 Fr choice drill on rest :20
      {50 Fr build on rest :20

Primary [1900]

3x {*50 Fr on rest :20
     {*50 Fr on rest :15
     {*50 Fr on rest :10
     {*50 Fr on rest :05
     {100 pull on rest :30
**50s are hold the same pace for all 4….so if I go :40 for the first, I must hold :40 for numbers 2-4, as the rest drops**
2x {3×75 Fr descend 1-3 on rest :20
      {125 EZ on rest :30
1x {3×100 Fr on rest :30 as **50 Fr FAST/50 Fr EZ
**50 Fr must be faster than your fastest time from the first block of 50s

2500 + WD

Please note that the posted practices can be modified depending on time/lane constraints. Don’t be afraid to be creative and flexible when training remotely. Finally, we will continue to post practices periodically over the next couple of weeks. We are also looking into alternative pool arrangements, and will hopefully have some good news soon. In the interim, stay safe, follow the CDC guidelines for minimizing risk, and train smart.
